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The Autotask product export allows you to send products from your Adaptive Catalog workspace to the Autotask product catalog. Once you have established the link to the Autotask product catalog, updates to the pricing and availability will be synchronized to Autotask.

You can also use the linked products when pushing the products to Autotask Quotes. Instead of pushing as just quote items, they will be linked to the product catalog item.


Create an API User

  1. In Autotask, click the menu icon in the upper left, then click Admin→ Account Settings and Users

  2. Expand Resources/Users section, then click Resources/Users

  3. From the Resources screen, hover over the down arrow to the right of the New button in the top left. Click New API User

  4. Fill out the required fields in the General panel. Make sure to select API User (system) in the Security Level dropdown

  5. Click Generate Key and Generate Secret. Copy the values to use later.

  6. In the API Tracking Identifier section, Select Adaptive Catalog - Cloud Service Delivery under the Integration Vendor dropdown.

  7. Click Save & Close

Install the Extension

  1. In Adaptive Catalog, navigate to the Extension Management page.

  2. Click the Install button

  3. Search for Autotask extensions and locate the “Autotask Procut Export” extension tile. Click on the tile to open the installation details dialog.

  4. Fill out the fields with the following details:

    1. Nickname: Shown in the Export dropdown in the work URL: The API URL for your Autotask instance API Username: Your Autotask API Username from previous step Secret: Your Autotask API Secret from previous step
  5. Click the green Install button.

Using the Extension

  1. Navigate to a Workspace with products on it.

  2. Click Extensions → Autotask Product Export (or the provided nickname)

  3. Fill out all of the fields and then click Run. You should then see an “Extension ran successfully” message